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Childish Landscape Writing / My Childhood’s Landscape (tribute to Danziger)

4,500.00 $




gold leaf, charcoal & oil on canvas




A personal and poetic work, as Ben Dov recalls the landscape of his childhood from atop his village of Ein Hod, overlooking the ancient Atlit fort which can be seen in the painting. The painting is also a tribute to Itzhak Danziger, one of the most influential modern Israeli artists, who was also part of “New Horizons” artists group.
The playful nature of the work’s name is also reflected in the abstract Yod letters forming the landscape, which on the one hand refer to the way all Hebrew letters can be formed from the letter Yod and on the other hand his struggles with dyslexia.
A magnificent work whose narrative depths emboldens its exemplary aesthetics.

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